We can offer four (4) types of services:

Estate Consultation

Legal fees starting at $350.00 + HST

Our legal fees include:

  • Meeting with you to discuss your needs;
  • Reviewing the Will;
  • Providing guidance on next steps necessary (ie. Registration of Survivorship Application or Filing an Estate Application).

Preparing and Filing the Estate Application

Legal fees starting at $2,000.00 + HST

Our legal fees include:

  • Reviewing the Will;
  • Contacting the personal representative to obtain relevant and clarifying information;
  • Explaining the estate administration process to you;
  • Preparing the necessary documents required to complete the application;
  • Calculating the estate Administration tax (formerly known as probate fees);
  • Meeting with you to sign all relevant documentation; and
  • Filing the necessary documents with the Estate Registrar of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice.

Assistant to the Executor

Legal fees will be based on the complexity and time spent on the matter.

Some of the duties that we can assist you in are as follows:

  • Advise family members that you are the executor
  • Advise any designated beneficiaries of the death. Give residuary beneficiaries of the estate a copy of the will.
  • Notify the deceased’s bank and/or financial advisor, and request date of death information about all accounts.
  • Contact any insurance companies that held life insurance policies on the deceased and ask for confirmation of policy amounts and beneficiary designations.
  • Cancel the deceased’s credit cards.
  • Notify OAS or CPP programs and any private pension providers of the death.
  • Cancel passport, driver’s license and all other ID
  • Notify Canada Revenue Agency of the death.
  • Apply for the CPP death benefit.
  • Determine whether you wish to place a newspaper advertisement for creditors and claimants.
  • Prepare Releases for the beneficiaries to sign (this is not required by law but most executors prefer to have signed Releases).
  • Connecting with a CPA (if applicable)
  • Connecting with a realtor (if applicable)

Becoming the Executor

Legal fees will be based on the complexity and time spent on the matter.

This will be on case by case basis.

Our legal fees will include:

  • A combination of all the packages listed above.  Jacques Robert and/or Gabrielle Robert will become the executor of the Estate and be responsible to bring the estate to completion.

Visit our website at www.jacquesrobert.com for more information.